Discover your Resilience skills with our ‘Workbench for the Mind’ Program.







Emotional Intelligence




What we do.

The idea behind ‘Workbench for the Mind’ is to provide a safe, supportive space following the KAIZEN model where people can “change for the better” to uncover their own inner resources or workbench that can be used to improve their wellbeing

These step skills are based on KAIZEN principals to improve quality of life by making small incremental changes to your daily processes to increase life satisfaction over time.

Research shows us that the positive psychology approach has been clinically proven to lead to increased well-being and reduced depression levels.

  • Lay everything out on your workbench.

  • Understand how the brain works, you can mould your brain (or workbench) through plasticity to change, re-organise and adapt habits and thought patterns.

  • Find out what tools you already have on your workbench.

  • Identify the tools you need to improve your resilience.

  • Help someone else build or set up their workbench - build community, break down cross generation barriers and open up the conversation.

A key pillar of the program is creating conversations between the generations about mental health and building our resilience skills before we get labelled. Nothing will change unless we change our conversation at the pub, at the footy and in the home. Without an open communication dialogue between generations, communities can’t grow or learn from each other. We need action to build on the conversations, take it to the next level.

‘Workbench for the mind’ gives participants the ability to listen, understand, communicate effectively as well as manage their own emotions in positive ways through their emotional workbench.

Ready to begin?

Choose a path that feels right for you

  • Online Self-Paced Course - $375

    • 10 modules with videos and worksheets

    • Identify your strengths

    • Benefits of our mindset in our environment

    • Building Mental Fitness

  • 3 Hour Face to Face Workshop

    • Introduction to MHFA in the workplace

    • Understanding the Brain Basics

    • Introduction to Workbench for the mind steps

  • 1-Day Face to Face Program

    • The full Workbench program

    • Workshoping Mentally Healty Environment

Access the Workbench For the Mind FREE WORKSHEET Here